Authors: | Nicolas Bozon, Gérald Fenoy, Jeff McKenna |
Last Updated: | $Date: 2013-09-27 10:21:57 +0200 (Fri, 27 Sep 2013) $ |
The entire documentation is also available as a single
PDF document and ePub document
ZOO Documentation is a collaborative process; once users contribute documentation through the ZOO Wiki, the Documentation Committee will then review the contributions to add them into the official docs. The committee is currently composed of:
Nicolas Bozon (nicolas.bozon at
Gérald Fenoy (gerald.fenoy at
Jeff McKenna (jmckenna at
A special thank to the ZOO-Project sponsors and knwoledge partners for their support.
The committee would like to thank Venkatesh Raghavan for his help on promoting ZOO Workshop in many places.
The committee would like to thank Hirofumi Hayashi and Daisuke Yoshida for their help and japanese translation effort for the ZOO-Project Worshop 2010.
The committee would also like to thank the early contributors to the documentation: Luca Delucchi, René-Luc D'Hont, Angelos Tzotsos and Guillaume Sueur.
This section contains the official ZOO Project documentation.